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Monthly average corn price for last years in the Romanian Black Sea Port
important question related to grain marketing and logistics is what is the best period of the year to sell (or buy if you're a consumer). Of course, there is no general rule, and each season can (and will) be different. However, some patterns do arise in time, especially visible when aggregating statistical data.
Here is a statistic with the monthly average price for corn in the physical market, using data from the last 3 years for some of our collaborator traders. The prices are for corn delivered at Constanta, the main Romanian port at the Black Sea, as it is being prepared/stored there for export.
Bellow you can find the chart with the prices:
I think the chart is pretty clear and, it shows that statistically, the best prices for corn was in months March, April, May and June. On the other side, the lowest prices was in September and October, which is no surprise, giving that it's the time of the harvest.
The data presented here is pretty much to be anticipated, being similar for other regions. However, if we would compare this with the prices from EuroNext Corn futures contract (historical of front month), we would find a slightly difference in the prices with the biggest price. That will be done in a dedicated AgroGo Report.
All the best!